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Flor De Cana Spresso Coffee Liqueur 700ml is a coffee liqueur from Nicaragua. It is made with Flor de Ca±a rum and coffee beans from the country's highlands. The liqueur has a dark color and a rich, coffee flavor. It can be enjoyed on its own or used in cocktails.
Flor de Ca±a rum is produced in the Nicaraguan town of Chichigalpa. The rum is made from sugarcane that is grown in the nearby volcanic soils. The sugarcane is fermented and distilled using traditional methods. The rum is then aged in oak barrels for four years.
The coffee beans used in Flor De Cana Spresso Coffee Liqueur come from the country's highlands. The coffee is roasted and ground before being combined with the rum.
Flor De Cana Spresso Coffee Liqueur has a dark color and a rich, coffee flavor. It can be enjoyed on its own or used in cocktails.
ABV: 30%
Type: Coffee Liqueur / Flavoured Liqueur
Region: Nicaragua
Volume: 700ml
Awards: #1 Rum Producer in the World - International Wine and Spirit Competition 2017
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