Translation missing: en.products.general.regular_price $186
Paladino Sangiovese 750ml
They say,A wine cellar is its territory: a simple philosophy, focused on the link with tradition, on respect for the terroir and the passion with w...
View full detailsTranslation missing: en.products.general.regular_price $186
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Translation missing: en.products.general.regular_price $186
Paladino Montepulciano 750ml
At the end of 19th century, Francesco Rocca started his historical business in making and selling wine. In 1936 his son Angelo enhanced the wine pr...
View full detailsTranslation missing: en.products.general.regular_price $186
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Translation missing: en.products.general.regular_price $186
Paladino Pinot Grigio Veneto 750ml
The Paladino Pinot Grigio Veneto 750ml is a wine that originates from the Veneto region in Italy. The history of this wine dates back to the 11th c...
View full detailsTranslation missing: en.products.general.regular_price $186
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